During World War II, the night sky was dotted with 350 bright stars who flew over European and North African skies in protecting American military planes, known as the brave Tuskegee Red Tail Pilots.
This evening, the sky is that much dimmer, with the passing of one of the few Red Tail pilots left, Lt. Colonel Leo Roger Gray, whose life story was featured in the book Freedom Road: An American Family Saga from Jamestown to World War.
We offer sincere condolences to Leo’s family-Lynette, Roger and Kathy, and his beautiful and devoted wife, Dianne.
Leo had a very big heart, and his love extended well beyond his family, but to the thousands of young children he would meet each year, where he would love to share in classrooms all across the country the brave and heroic tales of the Red Tail Pilots.
I’m sure as they did during World War II, planes all across the country this evening will tip their wings just a bit, in honor of Lt. Colonel Leo Gray and all of the brave men with whom he loved and served with, the brave and heroic RED TAIL PILOTS.